Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

WATCH: Royal Pirates Asks “Where U At” In Bittersweet MV

Royal Pirates has released their goodbye album and MV!

On September 26th, the talented band dropped the MV for “Where U At,” the title track off the group’s “goodbye” album. The album, entitled “Hasta la Vista,” was a farewell to fans as the members have recently gone through some changes and will be facing some more in the future.

The group has gone through some tough times since their initial conception as young musicians in L.A. Member Richard Kim, a brother of one of the other members, was killed in a tragic car accident in 2008. The group persevered and went on to debut in Korea in 2013. Unfortunately, bass player James Lee suffered a bizarre accident a few years later when a door fell on him as he was entering a restaurant. It did severe damage to his hand and left him unable to play his instrument. In spite of forging ahead despite continuing pain and problems with his hand, he was forced to completely retire from the music industry in 2017 when the doctors found a blood clot in his brain. Even recently, the singer updated his fans on his progress and shared his frustration over how difficult the journey has been.

Meanwhile, member Sooyoon is enlisting in the military very soon, and member Moon Kim (brother of Richard) will be going solo.

As such, the talented rock band came together to present this special album and music video for their fans. The MV is full of videos and pictures from their past few years together, making the goodbye MV even more bittersweet.

Check it out below! Best of luck to Royal Pirates as their paths take different directions for now.

Media: Royal Pirates Official

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