“Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha” is a romantic-comedy series that tells the story of a dentist named Yoon Hye Jin (Shin Min Ah) who goes to work in Gongjin after her life goes astray. She soon meets Hong Du Sik (Kim Seon Ho) who does various odd jobs in town. When circumstances draw them closer, they can’t help getting more aware of each other.
The series is actually a remake of the film “Mr. Hong” and will be spearheaded by “Hi Bye, Mama!” director Yoo Je Won and ”The Crowned Clown” writer Shin Ha Eun. It is scheduled to premiere on tvN on August 28th and will air every Saturday and Sunday at 21:00 KST, It will also be available for streaming worldwide on Netflix.
Are you excited for this adorable dimple couple? Watch the trailers below!
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ging1030 is a multi-fandom fan of K-pop since 2010. She enjoys watching Asian dramas and variety shows like “Running Man.” She is an avid fan of the Song triplets and Song Joong Ki. For her, K-dramas are life. They are her inspirations in life so she can live on and do what her heart desires!
MEDIA: tvN DRAMA, Netflix Asia