Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

Twogether: Our Favorite Moments From The Netflix Show That Brought Us The Most Adorable Bromance of 2020

One of the best ways to get closer with friends is to travel together! This certainly became the case for top Hallyu star Lee Seung Gi and Taiwanese superstar Jasper Liu as they embarked on the journey of a lifetime!

In the show “Twogether,” the duo traveled across foreign lands and completed various missions— all in order to meet fans that had invited them to their homelands. Overall, Seung Gi and Jasper traveled to six Asian cities: Yogyakarta and Bali in Indonesia, Bangkok and Chiang Mai in Thailand, and Pokhara and Kathmandu in Nepal. Along the way, they developed the most adorable bromance, surpassing language barriers and learning to look out for each other.

Join us as we recount seven of our favorite moments from this entertaining and beautifully-filmed show!

1. Getting To Know Each Other

(Episode 1)

While it first came as a surprise that the two of them were going to be staying in the same room (just in different beds), the clumsy brothers soon adapted to it, even looking forward to resting together at the end of the day.

2. Happy To See You

(Episode 6)

Now more familiar with each other and having moved past the language barrier, the two actors embrace each other as they meet after a long time. This was surely one of the most heart-fluttering moments on the show!

3. Practising Yoga At The End Of The Day

(Episode 8)

Fascinated by the couple’s yoga class Seung Gi and Jasper had to take for a mission, the guys decided to try out the poses they learnt once again before heading to bed.

4. Acknowledgement And Affection

(Episode 3)

After an especially hard mission on the beach, Seung Gi acknowledges Jasper’s hard work and tenderly removes the sand from his face. With each episode of the show, it becomes clear that the duo are becoming more and more comfortable together.

5. Brotherly Concern

(Episode 6)

Right before Seung Gi has to dive down a 15m cliff, Jasper expresses his genuine concern for him by saying “You’re my brother. I love you.” Hilarity ensues as Jasper was clearly unaware of the betrayal to come.

6. Traditional Dance in Nepal

(Episode 8)

Seung Gi and Jasper learn traditional dance in Nepal at a special restaurant recommended to them by a fan. They quickly picked up the steps and had a wonderful time together!

7. Variety 101 With Master Lee Seung Gi

(Episode 5)

A true king of variety shows, Lee Seung Gi takes Jasper under his wing as his variety show apprentice while showing him the ropes. Jasper is quick to learn as he gladly assumes the role of “student.”

Netflix’s “Twogether” has many such moments of friendship, bonding and adventure and fans are already pining for a second season. If you haven’t already, be sure to check it out, only on Netflix!

Have you watched “Twogether”? What were some of your favorite moments on the show? Let us know your thoughts by tweeting to us @whatthekpop1

Ishani Sarkar is a self-professed learner for life, trying to find meaning and happiness in the smallest of things. She found her safe haven within the world of Korean entertainment and she’s never letting go.

Media: Netflix