Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

WTK INTERVIEW: Beomhan And Jay Chang Rely On Friendship And Shared Dreams For Joint U.S. Tour And More

Starting last month, FM Entertainment trainee Beomhan and friend and fellow artist Jay Chang began a tour in the U.S. which, so far, has seen them hold multiple shows in NYC and Atlanta, as well appear in various festivals in Texas and Alabama. In fact, WTK was present for most of their Atlanta events, which we reviewed here.

The two young artists are not only both pursuing a career in the Korean music industry, they also happen to be friends who have known each other since before moving to Korea. As luck would have it, however, their love of music is also what separated them for a while. Jay Chang first moved to Korea to take place in a popular TV show called “Under 19.” Afterwards, he also signed with a company where he released his first solo single, but disappointments within the company soon led to some problems. Just when Jay decided to return to the U.S., Beomhan himself signed a contract and moved to Korea to become a trainee. It was there that he began training with the label FM Entertainment, the same label which promotes the trio M.O.N.T. Although the pair’s journeys had separated them once more, the strength of their friendship did not weaken. When a recent opportunity allowed Beomhan to return to the U.S. for a showcase, he revisited the dream that he and Jay both had when they were younger— to perform together onstage. The plan came together and the two were soon embarking on a joint rookie showcase tour sponsored by Beomhan’s label.

It might have been years in the making, but the pair’s excitement to perform onstage together is evident to all who watch them. Not only do they do well in their solo performances, but they also do well together during special duo covers or fun stages. In addition, even during speaking portions of their concerts or showcases, Beomhan and Jay’s natural chemistry and friendship is very evident to all those in the audience, making it even more enjoyable to attend as their banter pulls you in and makes the show feel quite intimate and comfortable.

The day after one of their performances in Atlanta, WTK was able to sit down with Beomhan and Jay for a brief interview to talk about their current music, plans for the future, and more. Check it all out below!

WTK: Hi, guys! My name is Amy Leigh, and I’m from What The Kpop. Thanks so much for meeting with us today. It’s really nice to see you. It’s nice to meet you, Jay.

Jay: Nice to meet you too.

WTK: And actually, it’s nice to see you again, Beomhan. I don’t know if you remember, but we met before for an interview [here in Atlanta].

Beomhan: Yes, I do remember!

WTK: It was right here in this exact same location actually. Even in this same corner of the cafe. (laughs) We actually have a few questions for both of you guys today. To start, however, I have a question for Beomhan. How does it feel being back in Atlanta? I know the first time that you were here, you came with M.O.N.T as a trainee. However, now you’re back for your own personal tour. So, how does that feel too?

Beomhan: So, the first time I came to America [on tour], I kind of felt like I was just a guest that came with M.O.N.T. And I was really surprised by how well the fans received me, and they were all super kind to me. The first time I came to spend time time here, I had a real lack of accolades back then. So, then kind of coming back with my own identity and then also bringing my own friend as one of the artists on tour, it felt really nice. So, then seeing that these fans who supported me so much last time coming back again to kind of show the same amount of support and the same amount of love and energy towards this friend that I’ve always had in Jay, it really was a moving moment for me. I was like, “Oh, wow. That is really almost like home and coming back.” It just feels really nice. It feels really homey.

WTK: Jay, how was it for you since this was your first time being here to perform?

Jay: Yeah, great! This is my first time here in Atlanta. So, I didn’t really know what to expect. I didn’t know what was going to happen other than what the staff told me, but actually seeing fans and being in that environment a lot— because despite being new here to most of the fans— it felt like the welcome was very open and friendly. Being accepted by people who didn’t know me prior and being completely supported, that felt amazing

WTK: Now, I know you’re originally from the New York area, but did you feel a difference after first performing in your hometown on this tour and then coming here to perform in Atlanta? Even though that’s your hometown, Atlanta is here in the South where we are known for being friendly and welcoming overall. Could you feel that Atlanta spirit?

Jay: I would say it’s a bit different, especially how, you know, both locations are very outward and upfront. But I would definitely say that Atlanta is a bit more friendly, yeah.

WTK: Here is one thing I wanted to ask both of you. Last night, you guys performed some songs that you had written yourself, and fans will also already know from your YouTube channels and more that you work on your own songwriting. First of all, how did you both begin writing your own music? Secondly, how did it feel to perform your own music live for your first tour?

Jay: That’s a good question.

Beomhan: Um, for me, I really like writing my own music. But how did I begin writing my first own music? So, the company recruited me as a dancer, and I didn’t have as much experience just kind of writing. But one thing that I did have the advantage of was just by going through a lot and having the privilege of becoming experienced in many ways, right? So, a lot of the writing of my lyrics was just me trying to find a way to turn my experiences into music. I also have a lot of help in the company, and I have a lot of guidance. So, it was just kind of me telling my stories through that and being able to transform my experiences to something that’s relatable for everybody.

WTK: Sounds really valuable to your process. How about you, Jay?

Jay: Well, for me, I have been doing music pretty much all my life. My father was a musician himself. He actually was in a band during the eighties and even after I was born and all of that. All the time, I was just around music. So, at the age of three, I picked up some drumsticks and then later, I learned how to play guitar. It wasn’t until the summer of 2017 when I actually started singing. I hadn’t really dabbled into songwriting itself [either] like when it comes to singing and things like that. So, what changed that was 2020. The year 2020 was pretty a dark stage in my life as it probably was for a lot of people. Those darker moments actually inspired me, however. It motivated me to take a piece of my life and change it into something that I could show. Because of that, I was able to inspire myself to write some good lyrics to some good songs, put it all on paper, grab a guitar, play a melody. And ever since then, I’ve been trying to do more of that, because whether it comes out positively or not, it means a lot.

WTK: So, for new fans, if you had to introduce yourself briefly, what would you tell people if you wanted them to listen to you or to become your fan?

Jay: Hmm. So, the first thing that I would probably have to say is that my biggest accomplishment until now was appearing on a show called “Under 19.” That would probably have to be the first thing that I tell people since that’s how a lot of you already know me. So, I would usually point them towards my audition song [on that show], which was “Seattle” by Sam Kim. That way people can see and know that was the start of my journey— people can see that and then they can look at me now and see how I transitioned from it, maybe not so much as an idol, but as an artist itself. I’m still trying to figure out the how’s and what’s of my journey, but I’m pretty confident to still say that music is my place. So, to answer the question, I would point towards that show first. Then, I’d show them some of my recent content because there have been a lot of covers and things. Finally, I’d show them the songs that I’ve written, which is the most recent content of course.

WTK: What about you, Beomhan?

Beomhan: To the people who don’t know who we are right now… Hmm, I feel as though it’s very understandable, very reasonable. Well, my name is Beomhan. We are up-and-coming artists and idols who are going to work extremely hard towards being the best that we can be. And despite our current lack of accomplishment and accolades, I think we have a very strong team that supports us in what we want to do as far as artistry and also supports us as individuals. So, I think that I want people who have just heard about us to kind of be a part of this journey and just kind of walk this journey with us hand-in-hand and see our growth. I think that we have really strong foundations and we will be having a long and successful career due to having a beautiful team, as well as the fact that we have good personalities and we have a strong work ethic. We’re going to work our hardest. Always!

WTK: If you had to choose a song or performance that kind of sums you up as an artist right now, what would it be?

Beomhan: I hope that fans would enjoy my most recent project, “Ashes.” It’s produced by my senior member in the company Roda from M.O.N.T. And, uh, I rap. I dance… really hard! (laughs) So, I guess it kind of reflects me as an artist for now.

WTK: What about you, Jay? What would it be for you?

Jay: Well, three years ago, I would have probably said my cover of “Seattle.” But right now, I’d probably say my original song “Four Seasons.” I really love it.

Beomhan: I’d also like to say something else too. Both of us are kind of in an era where we’re in a rookie stage or pre-debut era, and right now we’re still growing. So, what we have out on the internet right now is content that shows how basically we’re still trying to grow and continuously work on [our music]. So, with a question like is there any one specific thing that represents us overall, I can confidently say that no there isn’t. Because we are both on a journey and— I think I can speak for both of us— we are just taking the first steps in our journey. So, what I hope is that people will see us for our potential instead and kind of just come along for the journey and share it all together.

WTK: I definitely think they already do see your potential and will continue to do so. Even now, you already have many fans, but you’re also gaining new fans daily. It’s hard to bring out many people on a tour while things are still difficult due to the pandemic. But lots of your fans are turning up for your shows, while also bringing friends who become your fans before the night is even over. (laughs) There’s no doubt you both have so much in store for your careers and will be showing us all lots of exciting things in the future!

WTK: Speaking of the tour, are there any recent memories that stuck out to you while you have been doing all these promotions— whether in New York, here in Atlanta, or even just on the trip from Korea?

Beomhan: There’s so many good memories! It’s really hard to choose. (looks at Jay mischievously) Like, why choose one? (laughs)

WTK: Hmm. Maybe I should ask if there are any you can share instead.

Beomhan and Jay: (both laugh)

Beomhan: (pauses) Well, in New York, I did my first stop of this USA tour in my hometown. So, then I was like, “Oh, hey, if like three people come out, I’ll be happy!” Right? And then, the next day my staff kind of came up to me. He was like, “Yo, who’d you bring?” And I was like, “Oh, that’s my sister.” And then he was like, “Yeah, she just bought 25 tickets.” And I said, “What?” So, then, having my first stop being in my hometown, having all my family come out, and my mom crying after the show, it all just felt like a big coming back moment where I was like… “Okay, now I can just look forward with no regrets.” And I’ve been running ever since.

WTK: Sounds like a great experience for you! What’s the memory that stood out to you, Jay?

Jay: For me, I guess the moment that stood out the most was actually one that happened onstage. When I [first] presented my original song “Four Seasons,” it ended up being received really positively, like so positively. Like to the point that people started singing along some to the lyrics and feeling emotional and everything, and that made me feel pretty emotional too actually since that song is so important to me. So, all that just affected me in quite a strange way. Because seeing people understand the lyrics and the song itself and the meaning behind it, it just really meant so much to me.

WTK: You guys have talked a lot today about just starting off and being at the beginning process. Is there any piece of advice someone has given you that has helped you stay grounded throughout this whole process?

Jay: For me, I would definitely say that it has to do with this. (points to a New Jersey-shaped necklace he is wearing) This would actually date back to two years ago before I left for Korea when my friends back in New Jersey gave me this necklace as a gift. Basically, it’s a very simple reminder they gave me in an attempt to say, “Take this and wear this whenever you feel that you’re losing yourself or you’re forgetting what matters the most and what your vision is.” So, I wear it every day as a message to myself to never forget where I came from and to never forget my purpose and what I’m doing on this road to where it is I’m going. It’s actually helped me a lot to stay humble and grounded.

WTK: What a beautiful gift to receive. And you, Beomhan?

Beomhan: It was actually pretty recent, and it was advice that I got from the CEO of my company. Her name is Jina, and it was actually one of the greatest talks that I ever had in my life. She told me that whenever things get hard, remember that having a responsibility to yourself means to commit 100% to the choice that you make. And the choice that you make is following your dreams. So, if I choose them— all my dreams and all I want every single day— then all the things that are hard are going to come with me too. So it’s like, you can’t expect a perfect world because taking responsibility for your choices and all this stuff comes with it also. So, it’s like, whenever there are hardships that occur in work or in recording or in performances, there’s no one to blame but you, right? And it’s like, okay, this is what comes with it. I don’t want to say you chose this, so it is your responsibility. But I guess I’d say something like I chose this and it’s my response to it all.

Jay: Right. It’s like a thought that you have to be responsible for the hardships that come along with the decisions you make. Still, you can get over the hurdles.

WTK: As the saying goes, the buck stops here.

Beomhan: Yeah, exactly. You get it.

WTK: So, all the questions today can’t be serious, right? As such, I’ve got five fast, fun questions. You just have respond with the first thing that comes to mind. First up, favorite bubble tea?

Beomhan: Brown Sugar!

Jay: Um, Taro.

WTK: Favorite color?

Beomhan: 3,2,1…

Beomhan and Jay: (both speak loudly at the exact same time)

WTK: (laughs) Sorry, what did you say?

Beomhan: Red!

Jay: Blue.

WTK: Ok. Next, favorite piece of jewelry!

Beomhan: Oh! Oh, no…

Jay: I’m actually going to have to either go with like earrings or bracelets.

Beomhan: Ahhh… I like all jewelry!

Jay: Yeah, me too actually.

Beomhan: I really like necklaces, but I also like earrings too. Without them, I feel so bare.

WTK: Favorite pair of shoes?

Beomhan: Favorite pair of shoes. Um, my air forces.

Jay: Oh wow, I don’t know. I’m guess I’m going to have to go with uh… these. (points to old school Vans that he is wearing)

WTK: Did I already ask you this one? Favorite song of the moment.?

Beomhan: Ooh, that’s tough. This is really loaded. Um, I don’t know. I’ll choose “Fields” by Giveon.

Jay: Oh, that was fast. My favorite song right now would probably have to be (pauses to think) uhhh… “Japanese Denim” by Daniel Caesar.

WTK: So, before we conclude the interview, do you have any last words for fans?

Beomhan: Everybody, please look… (recorder stops momentarily)

WTK: (turns recorder on again) Oh, I’m sorry, could you please repeat that once more?

Jay: (speaking very loudly) EVERYBODY…

WTK, Beomhan, Jay: (all laugh)

Beomhan: Everybody, please look forward to our upcoming month of promotions! We’ll be going around the United States for awhile and just doing what we do. So, if you are in the vicinity of one of our stops, we hope you can come out to one of our shows or concerts. And, uh, if you want to see us, you can follow @f.m.tour on Instagram and get tour updates. We might be in your area!

Jay: Even though both of us are in the very, very first stages of our career and even if we don’t know what our future holds exactly, we know what we’re doing to try to find it! And we hope that with your support that we’ll be able to find our dreams and be able to continue on this road of artistry together.

Beomhan: And, despite our current lack of accolades and accomplishments, one thing that we can guarantee that we do have is a passionate heart, and we’re going to be chasing our dreams through any kind of hardship. And I want to thank the fans so much for giving us this beautiful foundation and for supporting us no matter what and for giving us the space to just be ourselves and letting us know that we’ll be accepted and loved by you guys. So, we’ll always be working hard and trying to improve every single day. I hope you guys will look forward to that as well. Thank you so much!

Jay: Thank you!

WTK: Thank you both as well. We appreciate you taking the time to have this interview with us today. We wish you the best of luck in the future. We’ll be cheering you both on always!


Not only do they both have a lot of talent— Beomhan has endless energy when it comes to dancing and a passion that is hard to beat on the stage, while Jay’s smooth vocals have a magical tone that instantly draws you in— they also have the personalities, onstage presence, humility, drive, and work ethic that is bound to take them far.

What The Kpop is grateful for the opportunity to interview both Beomhan and Jay Chang. Their passion for both music and performing is evident, and we have no doubt that these two young artists have a lot to offer on their musical journeys. We wish them both the best! We also encourage fans to check out their music and follow them on social media to stay connected. As the two artists will continue to perform in the U.S. for the time being, also make sure to follow FM Tour and ATLocal on social media as well to stay up to date with their shows!

M.O.N.T Official Twitter @mont_official
MONT Arena Instagram @mont_arena
TikTok @beomhanfm
Twitch @beomhanfm
YouTube M.O.N.T Official

Jay Chang
Twitter @jchang63
Instagram @jaychang63
TikTok @jaychangtt
Twitch @jaychangtv
YouTube Jay Chang

Tour Information
FM Tour Twitter @fmtour1
FM Tour Instagram @f.m.tour
ATLocal Twitter @atlocal_ent
ATLocal Instagram @atlocal_ent

FM Entertainment
Fly Music Entertainment website

Thank you to Beomhan and Jay for this interview, as well as FM Entertainment and ATLocal! We wish you the best in the future!

Media: FM Entertainment
*This interview has been edited for clarity.