Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

7 Underrated Songs By SHINee’s Jonghyun

April 8th marks Jonghyun‘s birthday. This year, in 2020, it would have been his 30th birthday in international age.

While we still greatly mourn the loss of such a beautiful soul and wonderful individual, we also celebrate the talent that he shared with the entire world! As such, check out seven of our favorite underrated tracks written and composed by SHINee’s Jonghyun!

1) “Our Season”

This song talks about being separated from someone but learning to be content with the happy memories you made together. “Grateful feelings keep remaining, your words keep lingering in my ear. So, it’s not cold at all today on this warm winter because you’re always by my side.”

2) “I’m So Curious”

Jonghyun was one of the best K-pop artists at showing his sensual side while not crossing the line into vulgar. “I’m So Curious” is one of the best songs from this style of song. “I’m so curious what it would feel like if I held hands with you. I’m so curious what it would feel like if I kissed you… When you and I keep meeting eyes, when you brush past my fingertips, touching skin but don’t stop, I’m so curious.”

3) “It Must Be Autumn” (with Go Young Bae)

A truly beautiful song that is a personal favorite of this author, it even became the name of my yearly radio broadcast each fall. The video below starts the live performance of the track at minute 1:08, but you can also click here to see the lyrics for the song. “I guess autumn is colored to its peak, Maybe it came deeply into my heart. To fall apart so easily, your greeting of how I’m doing. I think my heart is colored to its peak too, Maybe you came deeply into my heart.” This song is everything warm, romantic, bittersweet, and beautiful!

4) “Fine”

This is one of the sexiest songs in K-pop in my opinion. Slow and seductive, it’s a message to a girl to take things to the next level, and only Jonghyun could have pulled this song off so perfectly! “The time we spend just searching each other’s gazes feels like a waste, I’m gonna slowly start kissing you, wouldn’t that be fine?”

5) “Fortune Cookie”

Um, hello. How did this song not instantly become a classic in every K-pop fan’s mind? A hidden track from his album Base, this song is funky with a capital F. Seriously, please listen to this track and then tell me one other mainstream K-pop artist willing to take risks like this. Another sexy beat, the song has lyrics like “Show me baby, Tell me baby. The longer you hide it,
the more curious I am with that secret… Whether the person you’re looking for is in this place or written there… Tell me what’s written inside your cookie, fortune cookie.” In addition, if you don’t freak out over Jonghyun’s gorgeous visuals in this MV, then I will seriously question your taste!

6) “Red”

As a musician myself, this song makes me excited because it’s a true gem. Jonghyun was really growing and maturing as an artist at this point in his career and showing new depth through the sounds he was experimenting with. The lyrics are great as well and add to the building emotion of the song and the tension it represents. “Please don’t hide yourself, Please I’m tellin’ you girl. I know that this is dangerous, but I can’t resist you. When the world stops, there is only you and I, the two of us.”

7) “Maybe Tomorrow”

If you listen to my radio show, then you will know this is one of my all-time favorite songs from K-pop! With a great, light jazz sound and sweet vocals, this song is just so meaningful, yet bittersweet as well. However, I really do think it sums up Jonghyun perfectly as to the kind of person he was. Although he faced his own difficulties and struggles, he was always so concerned with other people and trying to help them as well. Isn’t that the most selfless kind of person you can be? With this song, Jonghyun encouraged listeners who were also struggling that although today might not have been so great and we were tempted to give up, that we should hold on because maybe tomorrow things would get better. With this “maybe tomorrow” mentality Jonghyun so kindly imprinted on my brain, this song has pulled me through many rough patches in my own life. For that, I will always be so grateful.

There are so many incredible songs that Jonghyun has written! He didn’t just write music for himself, but he also shared it with many other artists including Lee Hi, IU, EXO, Son Dam Bi, and more. In fact, he has over 70 songs that were recorded and released. Through his music, his talent, his kindness, his compassion for others, and so much more, his memory will live on forever!

Although there are more songs I wanted to include (like “Beautiful Tonight” and “Love Belt”) these are just a few of my own favorite underrated songs both written and composed by Jonghyun! What are some of your own favorites? Let us know your thoughts by tweeting to us @whatthekpop1!

lee1086 is forever indebted to Jonghyun and SHINee. During her own struggles and battles, Jonghyun especially reached her with his music and continues to do so on a daily basis even now. She isn’t just a Shawol, she is also the director of What The Kpop. When not editing other people’s articles or running the website, she also writes her own features when special topics come up. Happy Birthday to Jonghyun! You are in our hearts always.